It’s been a little while since I have posted anything, so I thought I’d give a quick update about my book! Although this is a long process, things are coming right along. I’ve done a lots of revisions, and I’m so happy with the way it’s all turning out. Each page is really polished.
I also just got word back from my publisher. He had an editor look over everything to make any suggestions, etc. Here are the comments that the editor said at the end:
“Excellent story. Kids will love it, and their parents would like it, also. I like the rhyming (good symmetry). The story has real cohesion. Every part seems to fall into place. These are all strong features, however the best part of the book, what really makes it stand out…are the illustrations. They are beautifully done.”
Isn’t that so nice? When I read that, I almost got tears in my eyes, I was so happy. Now the book is going to get a final once over, the publisher is going to finalize all the printing plans, and then off to the printer it goes! It will still be at least a few months, as I expected it would be, but it’s starting to be a reality!! Yay!
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